Running Away with the Circus

The morning’s air is fresh. I can’t get any particular sense of smell apart from fresh this morning, maybe because my eyes were reluctant to open after vivid dreams (the kind that wouldn’t make good poems) but I am noticing colour. The sky is grey and the lawn is speckled with yellow buttercups and purpleContinue reading “Running Away with the Circus”

Is He Puffin or Is He Vulture?

This morning the smell of cut grass is in the air, slightly hayed by yesterday’s sunshine and today’s gentle misty drizzle. This week’s photo had to be ‘Ronnie Jumping for Joy at The Great Orme’. Not just because I love that orme, not just because it is the picture for June on the #LookThere calendar,Continue reading “Is He Puffin or Is He Vulture?”

Diving Right In

This morning the air brings me the scent of fermented green, and it feels like the day is readying itself to be warm. Last night I dreamt of poets and words after being in the zoom room for the online launch of Damien Donnelly’s Back From Away. I love the feeling of a celebratory zoom andContinue reading “Diving Right In”

Being Sociable Again

This morning the air smells of roses. My mind says ‘tea roses’ and for a moment I can’t quite remember if there is such a thing. I wasn’t sure I was ready to get up this morning and then I dreamt that I had caramel crispy snacks and that put a smile into my waking stateContinue reading “Being Sociable Again”

Show Time!

This morning the air smells of yellow-flowered Spring. The moon has been full this week and I went out to walk under it in the middle of the week, but somehow missed its rising. It felt good though to be remembering the joy of walking under a full moon and all those moons I stoodContinue reading “Show Time!”